Friday, April 28, 2017

Mathcore Index: Volume 3

We are proud to present to you our third compilation, Mathcore Index: Volume 3, featuring 28 of the finest bands in underground music. Artwork by Karl Frandsen, layout by Tamás Bakó, and original logo by Keith Carlson. Special thank you to SKiN GRAFT Records and Throatruiner Records.

Format: Digital (free download)
Release date: 4/28/17
Track listing:

Bisbâyé - "Sur l'Isolement et la Désolation"
car made of glass - "delayed content dump"*
Conflux Collective - "The Keeper of Light"
Cronauta - "Harangue"
CZAR - "Too Many Yetis"
DEAD KIWIS - "Chuck Norris"
DriveTime Commute - "Chum Fists"
FERO LUX - "Hearse Song"
HYENAS - "Self-Adjusting"
Jardín de la Croix - "Seventeen Years to Hatch an Invasion"
Jesus Horse - "At Least Buy Me Dinner"
Jitters - "My Big Red Knife"
Juan Bond - "Tragedy in the Marquee"
Kangarilla - "Styrofoam Swingset"
KIM - "Pyongyang Nights"
Masiro - "Technocologist Unknown"
MICHEL ANOIA - "Celestial Labacide"
Retail Monkey - "Pass Me the Yogurt Chips Before I Cremate Myself, Emilio"
SCIO - "Good Boy"
SeeYouSpaceCowboy - "Soap Opera Stardom Is a Single Teardrop Away"*
secondgradeknifefight - "chemistry 211 (stay away from ryan, he scratches)"
Snooze - "SnooPING AS Usual I see"
Steaksauce Mustache - "You Don't Piss On Hospitality"
Vaulting - "Allmutter"
Wolcott Falls - "Walmart"*
Yowie - "The Reason Your House Is Haunted Can Be Found On This Microfiche"
Zygoma - "Red Curtain Falls"

* = exclusive premiere

Monday, April 24, 2017

EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Hibagon - "Orogenesis" / "Lamantino"

Like polyrhythms? Like instrumental math metal? Italy's Hibagon are here, and they've brought the weird. Today we have the pleasure of premiering not one but TWO songs from their upcoming album, "Polyposmic," which is to be released May 12th. The first song, "Orogenesis," is a palindromic 3 minute heavy epic with an almost Ravel like attention given to subtle variation in the main riff. The 2nd track, "Lamantino," is based around a Latin groove that starts spooky and gradually crescendos into a chaotic variation of the main motif.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Volume 3 Artist Listing

We are proud to finally reveal the artist listing to our third compilation, which is to be released via Bandcamp April 28th. Artwork by Karl Frandsen / Frandsen Art, layout by Tamás Bakó / APBT, and original logo by Keith Carlson / Headbang 'n Buttonmash. Special thank you to SKiN GRAFT Records and Throatruiner Records.  

Artist listing: 

Conflux Collective
DriveTime Commute
Jardín de la Croix
Jesus Horse
Juan Bond
Retail Monkey
Steaksauce Mustache
Wolcott Falls
+ more TBA

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: Slagduster - "Profane Puppet"

Canada's Slagduster are back with their first new material in over 6 years, and they are groovier than ever. Heaviness and stop on a dime time changes a la Meshuggah, SikTh, and Car Bomb are frequently employed by the band, with the vocals maintaining a Mike DiSalvo-like lower mid-range punch. Their new album, "Deadweight," is slated for a May 5th release, and today we have the privilege of premiering a new song from the album, "Profane Puppet," which is 4 and a half minutes of obnoxiously bouncy riffage garnished with plenty of artificial harmonics, and that's...well, that's just great.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Volume 3 Artwork

We are proud to finally reveal the artwork for our 3rd compilation, which is to be released April 28th via Bandcamp. Artwork by Karl Frandsen, graphic design by Tamas Bako, and original logo by Keith Carlson. Artist listing soon.